Thursday, July 10, 2008

Things they never taught us in school (but should have)

I've had a few opportunities to learn how to communicate effectively, but rarely does anyone talk about how to build content. I just learned a tip from my friend working business development: SCIPAB.

Situation - What's the situation?
Change - What's changing?
Implication - What's the implication?
Position - As a result, what's my position?
Actions - What actions can be taken?
Benefits - What benefits will result?

So, say you need to come up with a thirty second pitch but you have no idea how to begin. You can use this format as an outline, hitting most of the important points right away.


Unknown said...

yayy we're a team now! :D i like this post. please post more and be my real life adviser!

Brian Hiatt said...

So, your close. But the second bullet is wrong. Try this:)

* Situation - What's the situation?
* Complication - What's is complicating the situation?
* Implication - What's the implication?
* Position - As a result, what's my position?
* Actions - What actions can be taken?
* Benefits - What benefits will result?